Subscriptions to Smith’s Monthly
WMG Publishing takes subscriptions to Smith’s Monthly.
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All paper subscriptions will include a free electronic copy of the issue.
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Electronic Edition Only
Cover Price: $6.99
Six Month (6 issues) Electronic Subscription: $29.99
One Year (12 issues) Electronic Subscription: $49.99
To subscribe with Paypal (or credit card through Paypal) to either the full year or half year in the electronic edition…
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Cover Price: $12.99
Six Month (6 issues) Signed Paper Subscription: $59.99
One Year (12 issues) Signed Paper Subscription: $99.99
To subscribe with Paypal (or credit card through Paypal) to either a full year or half year in the signed paper edition.
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WMG Publishing
PO Box 269
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For International Subscriptions:
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Signed paper copies, on the other hand, cost $23 US to ship per copy. So we have set the signed paper subscription at $30.00 per copy for international.
We have set up the Paypal button below to have Paypal deduct $30.00 every month from your account or credit card. You can cancel this at any point and it will stop automatically after 12 months.
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Any problems at all, please just contact me.
Thanks for your interest and sorry we could not get the cost of the paper international signed copies any lower.
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Risa Scranton
Hi Dean! I just tried to subscribe to Smith’s Magazine, wondering how I missed this before, and it told me I WAS subscribed already! But I’ve never received an issue. Can you check this out for me? I’d love to have it, including back issues, since I never received any… I am receiving Fiction River… Great stuff.
~ Risa Scranton
Risa, I’ll check that out. Not sure what happened. Sorry for the delay, just got back to this site to update this.